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Fotosizer 是一款批量照片/图像调整工具。它可在几分钟内快速简单的调整数百张照片的大小。
软件截图软件特点批量调整大小、水印和旋转:点击一个按钮在几分钟内一次对数百张照片调整大小、旋转和添加水印。添加圆角到您的照片:给您的照片添加圆角,使其脱颖而出。添加文本和图像水印:在您的照片上添加名称、版权或 LOGO 水印。可完全自定义的水印:选择水印的字体、字体大小、样式和颜色。设置自定义透明度级别,添加阴影或旋转水印。实时预览:实时预览您正在更改照片的调整大小设置、水印和其它效果。多语言:Fotosizer 支持 26 种语言。
更新日志v3.19.0.588 - [7th November 2024]GeneralFixed details panel being hidden properly in Resize progress dialog.Fixed "unsupported culture error" when opening Options dialog on some computers.Fixed error when panning preview images in Preview changes window when no images.Fixed word wrapping of before and after filenames in Preview changes window when the "Show original image" button is toggled off.Fixed slow startup on some computers due to font loading of watermarks settings.Fixed displaying original image in Preview changes window when "Show original image" button is toggled back on.Applied corrections to Dutch language translations.Removed auto rotation checkbox in Options dialog. Fixed so images do not change orientation when this setting was not ticked.Destination settingsFixed backslash characters being changed to "-" in filename mask stopping new folders being dynamically created.Fixed the "after resize" filename in Image selection list so that it correctly reflects a lower case file extension when the "Force lower-case file extensions" Destination setting is ticked.Fixed the "after resize" filename in Preview changes window so that it correctly reflects a lower case file extension when the "Force lower-case file extensions" Destination setting is ticked.Colour adjustment (Professional Edition)Fixed maintaining transparency when using Temperature, Vibrance or Shadows colour adjustment settings.此版特点by th_sjy
主题数 5906 | 帖子数 2 | 精华数 |