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Blender插件-使用2D投影创建3D模型 Projection Modeling V1.1.4+使用教程

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Blender插件-使用2D投影创建3D模型 Projection Modeling V1.1.4+使用教程-Dahai 论坛

Blender 的一个插件,使用 2D 投影创建 3D 模型。您可以基于曲线和网格平面创建这些投影,并能够实时使用投影控制 3D 形状。独自创建这样的形状和细节非常困难,甚至是不可能的,但借助这种方法,您现在可以做许多人无法做到的事情,创建零件、低多边形模型,在某些情况下是高多边形模型,根据图纸构建不同形状的零件,应用范围非常广泛,每个人都会找到用途。还扩展了优化网格和处理曲线的功能。

An add-on for Blender that creates 3D models using 2D projections. You can create these projections based on curves and mesh planes and be able to control the 3D shape with your projections in real time. For me it was quite difficult to create such shapes and details, rather even impossible, but with the help of this method you can now do what is impossible for many, create parts, low-poly models, in some cases high-poly models, build according to drawings, parts of different shapes, the application is quite extensive, everyone will find a use. I also expanded functions that optimize the mesh and work with curves.

支持软件版本 Blender 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4


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