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自定义选择模型可视化渲染Blender插件 nView V3.6.2

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自定义选择模型可视化渲染Blender插件 nView V3.6.2-Dahai 论坛


Determine objects’ visibility from any camera, or being visible in a “reflection” of another object. Knowing this, you can:

Select only the visible objects!Set multiple visibility attributes of objects or collections at once, including for the viewport, render, and view layer!Hide demanding collections or objects that affect performance, without affecting what’s seen by the camera!Hide objects dynamically in an animation, to speed up playback and rendering long animations!

支持软件版本 Blender 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3


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