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Blender插件-程序化材质预设库 Sanctus Library V3.1.1 – Procedural Materials

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Blender插件-程序化材质预设库 Sanctus Library V3.1.1 – Procedural Materials-Dahai 论坛

使用插件可创建和修改自己的具有损伤、纹理和图案的材质。The Ever-Growing Procedural Materials Library for Blender!Create and modify your own materials with damages, textures, patterns with the new Shader Tools panel on the Shader Editor N menu.The first version has 23 tools and it will grow every month along with the library of materials.

支持软件版本 Blender 4.2, 4.1, 4.0


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  • genxsh
  • xuweiab
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