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Calibre (阅读&转换) v7.24.0 官方版 - Dahai论坛

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Calibre (阅读&转换) v7.24.0 官方版 - Dahai论坛-Dahai 论坛





Calibre中文版源代码开放,拥有跨平台的设计,可在Linux,OS X和Windows操作系统中运行。




更新日志版本: 7.24 [10 Jan, 2024]新功能Allow creating rules to transform series names in the Bulk metadata editor and Preferences->Metadata downloadConversion: Automatically set the page progression direction for books that do not have it set and have their primary language either Arabic or HebrewContent server: Book details view: Make calibre://show-book and calibre://view-book URLs in the comments workEdit book: Spell check: Add a button to export the currently displayed list of words as a CSV fileAdd from ISBN: Add a checkbox to automatically convert obsolete ISBN 10 to ISBN 13Save single format to disk: Allow choosing the book cover as the format to saveOption to show a button to access all available actions from the status bar in Preferences->Look & feel->Main interfaceBug修复Read aloud: Fix no audio produced when text contains <3 and using the Windows legacy speech engineFix Tabbing while editing cells in the book list not always workingWindows build: Also sign the portable launcher exesFix viewing books via the Cover browser not working when in device view改进的新闻源LWN WeeklyOutlook IndiaLivemint


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